Some people have this perception and envious of us who work in the library. They always said, " wah, you soo lucky eh working in the library, can read so many books.." And I'd always beg to differ. Where got time! If u start to read books, they might think you super free lor..
So I admit it has been quite sometime I actually read a book until now. All thanks to one contest. The prize... One whole set of the Twilight Saga, So it was laying on my table, staring at me.. Shook my head at how bloody thick it was... I didn't opened the prize until 4 days later which mainly because I had finished most of my tasks and got nothing better to do... so I opened the package and scanned through the books... When one paragraph caught my attention... and I think because I have seen the Twilight movie (thanks to zana's "oogling" & "overpraise" of that Robert), I kind of could visualise the way they talk or how they moved.
Ohhh okay.. well...because I am very the honest, I tried my very best not to damage the prizes so I contemplated on reserving the books.. 300 plus in queue... Siao!!! By the time the books in my hand, I would have lose my interest. And so I did.
Then yesterday was my "Twilight" day or something. My colleague, Ah Chee, managed to get hold of New Moon. Somehow I managed to plead with her to let me read first...
And I have finished the book.. yey.. While waiting for Ah Bee to get home by midnight. I ditched the tee-vee for it, eat with it, shit with it (u wouldn't want to borrow that copy) hee hee hee...Just couldn't take my eyes off it...
Spoiler Alert!.. It have that humour that lovers may share with each other, u noe.. the conversation they had was soo real. When the part where Edward had to lie about not loving her and leave Bella for her safety and how she spent the days being indifferent to people, I almost die-ded with her.. heh.. Deja Vu!!!
I just finished watching (again) Twilight. But I skipped a few parts.. Slow mak lap!
Ohhh... I just can't wait for the movie.. Well, from what I had googled, they are filming the movie.. yey!!